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Eli Bennett · Toy Poodle · Boudreaux Kennel

Eli Bennett · Toy Poodle

Hey there, it’s me, Eli Bennett, the pick of the litter from Boudreaux Poodles! 🐾 I may be the smallest in size among my toy poodle siblings, but that just means I’m the extra special one! 💫

I’m a solid black toy poodle with boundless energy and a heart full of love. My compact size makes me a perfect fit for individuals or couples looking for a furry companion that they can easily manage and cuddle. I’ve got plenty of energy to play and have fun! but, I’m also known for my calm and loving nature, making me a balanced and delightful companion. 🐶💖

One thing about me – I’m as curious as they come! I absolutely adore exploring and discovering new things. Life with me will always be an adventure. 🌟 So, if you’re on the hunt for the pick of the litter and a furry friend who’s ready to share a lifetime of love and adventures, look no further! 🐾 

Poodle Puppy Info

Litter Registration Name : Eli Bennett Boudreaux
Gender : Male  •  Born : 23 SEP 2023  •  Color : Black  •  Size : Toy

Here’s a quick woof to share an interesting tidbit – my tail received a trim on October 02, 2023. You see, tail docking is a common practice for Poodles like me. It’s all about preserving our distinctive appearance and ensuring our safety during our adventures. Now, you might be curious if it’s painful, but no need to worry! This usually happens when we’re just tiny pups, so it’s all in the name of safety and adding a touch of style to our furry look! 🐾

My 2nd Round of Deworming

My First Solid Food Adventure: An Exciting Experience!

Can you believe it? On October 22, 2023, I set out on my very first journey into the world of solid food, and let me tell you, it was an exciting experience! I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm as I dove into that bowl filled with fresh scents and flavors.

Once I took that first bite, I couldn’t stop. The flavors were like a delightful symphony for my tiny puppy taste buds. Now Fresh is simply irresistible! It’s like a gourmet feast in kibble form! 🍗

And if you’re wondering why my furmom chose Now Fresh for us little pups, it’s not just about deliciousness but also about what’s best for Poodles like me. If you want to learn more about our food choices, hop over to our informative post, “Feeding Your Poodle: What Should They Eat?” for all the tasty details. 🐾

Just to be clear, this post is not sponsored by Now Fresh. We’ve trusted this brand for years, and I wholeheartedly recommend it based on our firsthand experience.

Ready to Embrace Me into Your Loving Home?

As I search for my forever family, I can’t help but envision all the happiness we’ll share. Picture this: delightful strolls in the park, snug moments on the couch, and a world of tail-wagging escapades. If you’re considering the idea of making me a cherished part of your loving family, you can explore all the specifics about our adoption process right here: 🐶🏡

Let’s embark on this heartwarming journey together, filled with puppy kisses and cozy snuggles. And don’t forget to stay updated with our escapades on Instagram at @toy.poodles for the most recent stories and updates. You’ll also find this page frequently refreshed with snapshots of my growth, much like a ‘Watch Me Grow’ adventure! 📸🐾

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